
At Chess Solicitors, we provide practical family legal advice with a personal touch. Our team has experience working with clients who are either at the start of their relationships or those who are going through a relationship breakdown and are seeking either divorce or separation. We are committed to solving all family matters in a conciliatory way that takes the needs of your whole family, including the paramount best interests of any children involved, into consideration – avoiding the emotional and financial costs of court action. Where required, we work closely with leading family barristers and other specialists, such as mediators and child welfare professionals to help you:

  • Make pre or post nuptial agreements or other mutually agreed financial distribution agreements to guide the conduct of your relationship.
  • Understand what to expect from your proceedings, so you are clear on the outcome you should expect.
  • Negotiate a settlement through correspondence, collaborative law or mediation to ensure that an agreeable outcome can be reached, without the need to bring the case to court. However, should your case reach court, we will still be there to support you.
  • Ensure your children are supported throughout the process and that their needs are given paramount importance.
  • Put in place the best possible arrangements for the long-term benefit of you and your children.
  • Understand disputes in a co-habitation scenario
  • Protect your business and other major assets to make sure they will be kept secure.   

Tied up with the work done by our immigration law department, we are also correctly placed to advice on pre-emptive family law planning for international couples and high-net worth individuals with Visas.

Our service is confidential, discreet and bespoke to you. We regret that we are only able to provide family law legal advice in private work and do not handle any legal aid family law advice work or domestic abuse and violence cases.